Monday, March 12, 2012

Menu Planning and Saving Money!!

Recently, I discovered something that is so so simple, and on top of couponing has saved me SO much money.

Menu planning has made my life so much easier!!!

I have a board hanging up in my kitchen... It's actually something that my husband found and brought home for free... It is a white board, with a cork board area on the bottom. It includes a calendar and a big area for notes. I decided to turn this area into my "Dinner Menu" spot... I have the days written down in a column, enough for 2 weeks worth of dinner menus, and I plan out my weekly meals based on what I already have in my pantry and what is on sale at my local supermarket that week. I also take into effect what leftovers will be around, so that I can make 2 night's meals using similar ingredients.

This has come in SO handy, especially with the fact that I was babysitting 3 children while their mom worked night shift for the past month and a half. Now that she is going on days, and I don't have to do dinner for them... my savings will be even higher. I have managed to spend under $50 each week to cover the cost of the dinners, plus breakfast items, lunchmeat for the hubby, and other extra things too.

Menu Planning has saved me time and money while shopping at the store... I know exactly what I need to complete my meals for the week, and I don't waste time wandering around the aisles looking for what I want to make. It has helped me get more creative, and try out new recipes so that we are not eating similar things every day. The menu is up for days before, so my husband and daughter both know what we are having and if they don't like something, or would rather switch days around they can tell me and I have time to change it. I make sure to eat almost all of the leftovers throughout the week for lunch and for nights that I have "open" dinners (I don't write anything on the menu because I know we can snack or eat leftovers on these nights).

A good example of a weekly menu is my menu for this coming up week...
Saturday (St. Patty's Day) - Corned beef, cabbage, potatoes
Sunday - Tacos
Monday - Chicken, breaded with Kraft's new Fresh Take... which I am in love with, and potatoes
Tuesday - Using the leftover taco meat, salsa, sour cream, and cheese to make taco baked potatoes
Wednesday - Using the chicken leftover from Monday to make chicken ranch wraps and french fries
Thursday and Friday are open for now... I will fill it in closer to that time when I can see the new sales and figure out what I want. We have a ton of pasta that I bought at BJ's a few weeks ago so I can probably do something with that and not spend as much money.

I keep lots of chicken and ground beef in my freezer... I can use those almost every night and I got it all on sale for really cheap at different stores. As long as I keep that kind of stuff in stock, my grocery bills stay wayyyy down, because I'm not rushing to get it last minute and paying a higher price for it.

Moms, or even any person really, who like to save time, money, and stress... should definitely try menu planning. It makes lives so much easier... no need to ask OR hear "what's for dinner???" at 6 PM. It is definitely a life saver!!!

Kayla :)