Tonight I laid on the couch with Brooklyn, who fell asleep in my arms. I started to think about how big and beautiful she is getting. Sometimes I can't believe it, and I wish she would stop growing already!!
When I moved her into her bed, she told me she was scared... as she always does. She used to sleep with the TV on but I stopped that after her 4th birthday from her waking me up numerous times between 12-4am and she was still in bed watching TV.
After battling her on the fact that she had to go to sleep in her bed with no TV, I sat on her bed and rubbed her until she dozed off. As she laid there I heard her start mumbling... " mommy and daddy........................chocolate....chip....cookies................"
And she was out like a light.
When she began counting, I was trying to figure out in my head why in the world she would do that.... Then I remembered, one night I told her that sometimes people count sheep when they can't sleep. I didn't realize that she would literally count them... out loud. Ha ha ha.
The mention about mommy and daddy and chocolate chip cookies must be because I always tell her to think of happy thoughts before she goes to bed so she won't have any bad dreams. We used to have a bad case of the night terrors around here... and it was always so hard to get her to go to sleep because she was scared of those terrible dreams.
The moments like this are my favorite, I wish I could hold onto these times forever and ever.
Sigh... I love my baby girl <3
Counting Sheep and Thinking Happy Thoughts,