Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My Love/Hate Relationship With My Husband's XBOX

In light of MW3 releasing today, I have been thinking about my feelings towards Hubby's XBOX. Now I know I definitely hate it... as do most mothers, girlfriends, and wives all across the world; however I think there are good reasons that women should love it too.

Often the volume is kept loud, men shouting while they are playing and ladies sometimes have to do the ever famous "sprint across the TV before men get mad and possibly throw something at you"... LOL. My husband sits a camping chair smack in the middle of the living room, and leaves it there half of the time. Sometimes I feel like hiding the stupid chair, it's big and orange and ugly and just always right there. Possibly my biggest pet peeve is when I tell Hubby that dinner (or any meal) is ready... He says "OK, I'll be right there..." It turns into an extra 20 minutes that he is playing the game until he gets to an appropriate save point, or ends his online match... and by that time I have already eaten by myself. I think maybe I should start telling him that dinner is ready when I start to prepare it, so that he will be off in time to eat with me... ha ha ha.

Top 5 reasons why I love the XBOX:
1. I get out of cooking dinner by sitting a bag of Goldfish crackers with a can of Mountain Dew next to him and going about my business
2. I can ask him to do things like, say, clean the house or do the dishes tomorrow... most times he will say yes and not even realize it
3. I can cuddle up with my daughter and puppy and take a nice nap and he doesn't notice; which means I don't get yelled at for sleeping too much... ha ha ha
4. If I really want him to get off, all I have to do is get on my computer and upload huge files... It makes his game lag and he gets off almost every time (unless he realizes that I'm doing it on purpose... in which case he stays on and deals with it just to get me mad)
5. I can use the XBOX as leverage to get things I want... "You can play all day Sunday if you do these two little things for me..." Works every time. :)

So, all I'm trying to say is... although most ladies hate the evil box, don't forget that you can use it to your advantage most of the time and the men won't even notice.

Happy Tuesday!!

1 comment:

  1. Let me tell you that you have become such an amazing woman and I am so very proud of you.

    By having you, TJ and Brooklyn here has made me so very happy. I never knew that I could love as much as I love you and Brooklyn. She brings me such joy everyday and I am so glad you love it here in NC.

    I can't wait for Thanksgiving and it's hard to believe we have not had Thanksgiving together since 2007!!!! I just don't know where the time goes.

    Not only that but this will be the FIRST year Brooklyn and I will get to spend Christmas together and I can't wait.

    I love you with all my heart.



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